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Wednesday 5 January 2022

Values and a Person - (4305)

We may love a value like trustworthiness, communication, kindness, flexibility, discipline etc. and there  are many people in the world that have these values, yet we don't know all these people nor do we form a relationship with them... 

The fact is though that we relate to people. We actually marry a person... Not a value...

We relate to values in different people and we relate better when certain values are present and active. We also do marry a person based on the values that they have and share with us. Of course if those common values are not present then relating becomes difficult. Yet we marry a person - the whole package... not just a set of values but yet the values are what make the relationship work.

The values that an essence has manifests through the person. We need a person to relate to those values and to express those values. So we can't marry any value without a person and we can't marry a person without values either. So values and the person are tied together. Why we chose a particular person that has the same values as so many others is interesting: past, recurrence, Monads, karma...???

End (4305).

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