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Monday 31 January 2022

Masculine and Feminine Qualities - (4329)

Of course women are very strong. No doubt about it. The feminine force in the cosmos is very strong, as strong as the masculine. They are equally as strong in their respective spheres.

A version of the strong feminine is by nature strong enough to adapt, accept what life throws her way and make the most out of it drawing upon her own resourcefulness, energy and intelligence to grow and make things grow. 

We hear in pseudo-esoteric circles about the wounded feminine, the wounded masculine, the weak masculine, the strong feminine, the out of balance masculine, the toxic masculine  etc. etc. 

There is of course some truth in what it is said, but when you go to seriously work on yourself in relation to the 'wounded masculine' or 'wounded feminine' you find egos, past conditioning and karma, and 'wounded masculine' and 'wounded feminine' start to fade away and the real issues emerge.

Behind all of the 'woundedness' is a lack of humility and trust. There are egos that don't accept the qualities that our human bodies are polarised with and further to that, there is a lack of trust ourselves.

It simply means to work on dissolving pride and fear. To be at peace with what we are and to really trust it.

Men have a feminine side, women have a masculine side and there are egos in both men and women that align with these qualities.

We can consciously use given the situation masculine or feminine qualities - that is be aware of the polarities and bring the opposite to the one being expressed and watch before your eyes a better outcome be created.

Someone is really angry, don't bring the masculine - bring the feminine qualities of serenity, reflection,  composed, measured and patient words etc. Someone is worried and weak bring the masculine trust, hope, clarity and appropriate action.

Interesting to see how the zodiac signs have their particular feminine and masculine alignment.

End (4329).

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