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Sunday 20 February 2022

Divine Mother Quote - (4338)

"I am She that is the Nature mother of all things, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of the divine powers, Queen of all that are in hell, the principal of them that dwell in Heaven, manifested alone and under one form of all the Gods and Goddesses. At my will the planets of the sky, the wholesome winds of seas and lamentable silences of hell are disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world, in diverse manners, in variable customs and by many names."

Address of the Goddess, Apuleius, the Golden Ass.

"In the begining there was ISIS, Oldest of the Old.

She was the Goddess from whom all becoming arose.

She was the Great Lady, Mistress of the two lands of Egypt.

Mistress of shelter.

Mistress of Heaven.

Mistress of the House of Life.

Mistress of the word of God."

Thebes, Egypt, 16,000 years ago.

End (4338).

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