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Wednesday 2 February 2022

Esoteric Attitude Towards Alchemy - (5267)


We all have many debts against the Holy Spirit. We know those debts are the ones that are not pardoned. They must be paid. We may not feel the effect of those debts now but at some point we will. Even master Samael had to pay it, he was not pardoned for the all consciousness and merit that he had. For 8 years his Alchemy was stopped. That is also when he said that he died the most in himself. Therefore paid the most. 

The debts against the Holy Spirit are not always paid as Master Samael paid them, but with illnesses that we are taught are not a 'common cold'.

To have found someone who will help us transmute and pay those debts no matter if we are the man or the woman, is a blessing. Because we know well that very few men or women out there are really interested in transmuting and can't help us with this. We know karma is paid with the opposite action to the action that created the karma. So we need to transmute.


Love for the Alchemy and the transmutation. Love for the energy of the Being. Love for the Being of the person we are practicing Alchemy with.

Alchemy is for the Being

It is not really for us but for our Being. With it our Being works and does Its work. The Being works the transmuted energy. Alchemy is our gift for the Being.


Alchemy is a sacrifice where we consciously forgo the inferior values of passion and pleasure and losing the energy over transmuting and sublimating. Which as all sacrifice does, brings joy or spiritual happiness.

Supply of Energy

The Third Logos, the Typhon Baphomet and the Divine Mother are in control of the sexual energy. They can do something and our sexual force disappears and they can do something and we have an abundance of sexual energy. The energy is not in our hands. It is by their grace that we have it available to work with. 

Yet the person in life believes that they are in charge of their sexual energy and everything indicates that they are and they can really do with it what they want. That is all allowed. That is because it is working for nature but when we work in the Alchemy that energy is taken under the control of the Being. 


The Alchemy is the sexuality of the Being in us. The Alchemy is for the Being in us. For our Being and for the Being of the other person we are practicing with. For the Being to realise Itself.

End (5267).

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