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Wednesday 23 February 2022

Hypnotic Grip of the Ego Notes - (4340)


This post is a collection of some notes from a talk given a few nights ago about the hypnotic grip of the ego. The notes are practical in nature and are presented with the intention to be of some help. 

Typical Scenario

A man looks at the casino from across the street. He knows he has a 'gambling problem" and has experienced much misfortune because of it and has the conviction that he is not going to step a foot into the place. 

Yet his attention gets hooked onto the building, the front door and the little bit that he can see going on inside. He continues to look and then he sees some people celebrating, some sitting at the edge of their seat, some leisurely walking around. Then his memory fires and he remembers the good times and good feelings he has had and then he begins to forget his convictions and he takes a few steps towards the casino. Then he stops and remembers again. Then he says: "just for a few minutes and then I'll go home". Then that's it the next thing he knows he's in the casino opening his wallet and the gambling person dwelling in his psyche is in control until the sad consequences arrive and wake him up. 

Do the things we Don't Want to Do

The hypnotic grip or power of any ego makes us to end up doing the thing s that we didn't want to do or say or in general don't want to do or say.

When we have a conviction not to do something before entering the difficult scenario sometimes we do what we don't want to do double or triple.


When a hypnotist performs his or her work we can discern a few basic elements. Those elements are that one, the hypnotist is the one that now has control to direct the course of events and the control to introduce any element that he or she wishes. There is a belief that the person under hypnosis is now believing and the hypnotist has access to the psyche of the person under hypnosis.

The situation with the essence and the ego is exactly the same. The ego becomes the hypnotist and the essence becomes the one under hypnosis.


Hypnosis in Gnosis is the state of dreaming or sleeping consciousness. 

Hypnosis Elements

Access, control and belief are the major elements when a person is under the hypnotic spell of the ego.

When an ego grips us with its hypnotic power - through believing in the statement of the ego we give it access to our psychology and then to the brains of our human machine and then it gains control of our human machine. 

The key here is belief. We believe in the ego's logic and its statement or arguments.

Kundabuffer and Sexual Energy

The Kundabuffer is the original fascinating and hypnotizing element which was given to humanity in very remotely ancient times to make the human being fascinated with terrestrial life.


The role of the hypnotic grip of the ego is to get us to identify with it. Which means to take on its identity or to become the same as it. Or to give an excessive amount of our attention and time to it.


Comprehension, Revelation and Action is the antidote here. These elements are the reversal points of belief, access and control. When we comprehend we don't believe - we stop believing and when we experience a revelation from our consciousness - our consciousness is in control and when we act based on the revelation and comprehension we give our consciousness our human machine - which is the right thing to do.

Pass the Tests - All About Hypnotic Grip

To pass the esoteric tests we are submitted to either physically or internally we need to be above the hypnotic grip of the ego that is provoked in the test.

Strong Ego and Weak Ego

What makes a strong ego is the strength of its hypnotic grip over us. A weak ego is one whose hypnotic grip is less of a grip and has less power over us - us being our essence.

Control = Weak Hypnotic Grip

We gain control over any ego when we have weakened enough the hypnotic grip of the ego we are working on.

End (4340).

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