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Monday 14 February 2022

Notes on an Immortality and Mortality Talk - (4334)


This post is a digitisation of some hand written notes that I have on the topic of immortality and mortality that I prepared once for a talk. All of these notes come from Master Samael's works. Disclaimer and truth: I don't know anything really about the topic in the sense of really knowing from experience.


Comes into effect in relation to the physical world. The spirit, the soul are immortal.  

Was first known physically in Lemuria. There it was first granted and also lost. 

Immortality is relative. It is mostly spoken about by Master Samael as longevity of the life of the physical body.

The ego is not immortal. To make the ego immortal is absurd.

In Atlantis they certainly tired to arrive at immortality and they did achieve something. Master Samael says that a certain Queen Jezabel managed to extend her physical life through numerous transplants of the endocrine glands from various youths whose bodies were sacrificed to her quest for immortality.

Fountain of Youth, elxir of long life, universal medicine, the Holy Grail...

The soul or essence is never lost it is immortal but we don't possess that immortality. In our illusion about death we somhow think we are immortal. But we are mortal.

Mortality is about the degradation of the physical body. Immortaltiy is about suspending the degradation of the cells of the physical body.

There are many stages to immortality. It begins with the creation of the inner man. Immortality is gained in stages and then conferred.

There are a few immortalities legends tell us about.

There is biological immortality which is about the absence of ageing but one is still vulnerable to disease, illness and physical trauma.

There is also the immortality where after suffering terrible physical trauma the physical body resurrects. 

St James, Sanat Kumara, Nicholas Flammel, Count Cogliostro, Babaji, Mataji, Master Samael, Fulcanelli, Jesus are all immortal. There are many others that we don't know and the legends don't know either.

Lucifer is the one that grants us the elixir of long life. 

The ego destroyed our biological immortality back in Lemuria because it modified our vital body.

We are immortal when we eat of the fruits of the tree of life. That is when we nourish ourselves from AIN, from Aeon 13.

The Itoklanos principle introduces ageing into our cellular mechanics.

Old age comes about when the internals glands of secretion degenerate and stop functioning as in times of youth.

The incorruptible is dressed with the corruptible. The immortal is dressed with the mortal. The corrupitble can not make the corruptible incorruptible but the incorruptible can make the corruptible incorruptible. The immortal spirit is dressed with the mortal body.

The immortal can make the mortal to resurrect.

The process of cellular mechanics in the vital body hold the key to long life.

Master Samael knew lady adepts of the celtic race that are more than 1000 years old.

Cogliostro lived through the XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX centuries in Europe. He went by many names such as Mesmer, Count Ragoski this is becasue his ID papers expired.

Count Coglistro was behind the downfall of the French Monarchy. He exposed their corruption, cruelty and abuses.

Saint Germain or Altotas was the guru of Count Coglisostro. He was active in the medieval times. In the twentieth century he moved to Tibet.In 1939 he convinced Hitler and Musolini to stop the war. They didn't listen and so he left to the Humalayas and it was said that he will return in 1999.

Mana of the desert, is the nectar of immortality which is found through the Hermetic vase. The God's drink it. For the mana of the desert Nirvana is renounced to drink of it. 

End (4334). 

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