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Friday 18 March 2022

Friends of Faith - (5286)

Friends of faith are friends of the path. Which is different to the many other types of friends that we all can have in life.

People on the path need friends of faith and to be a friend of faith to someone is to help their path and even really make their path easier and therefore possible in a shorter time frame.

Friends of faith are friends that are formed when we walk the path. 

They are friends that believe in the path and believe in our path. It is really to do things with people who don't believe in our path or even in us as a person.

Master Samael said that he only had friends of faith. That is friends that believed in his path. With such friends he could work and with such friends he could help and also be helped. 

Master Samael did many internal investigatons with friends of faith. The book "Yes there is Hell, Devil and Karma" was written based on the investigatons in the Astral that he did with friends of faith.

Becasue friends of faith have been formed on the path their nature does not always follow the patterns of the personality and those of common life. There are behaviours and elements that go outside the norms of time and space.

People who do not believe in our path are those who are skeptical or have some degree of skepticism. Skepticism either in the sense of 

To be a friend of faith has its value, in that through it we can develop real faith that we can then consciosuly transfer to our own work and the work of our inner Being. 

We sometimes don;t realise the work we ahve done and becasue of that we miss the chance to transfer the value of that work to our own centre of gravity in our own essence. 

Friends of faith vibrate and relate to the eternal in us and us in them. Because on the path many timeless values of the soul are cultivated. 

In the success of everyone's path there has been the support of friends of faith. Esoteric help in the way of dreams, insight comes through friends of faith. Warnings, teachings, revelations,  

As master Samael said to be a friend of faith is an esoteric degree. Meaning it is an esoteric achievement.

Because to be a friend of faith one has to have certain values that are not common, that are only really found when two people really love from the essence or are walking the path or are working esoterically. This is where really being a friend of faith can be fully developed and has its right space for full unfoldment.

End (5286).

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