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Saturday 26 March 2022

Horizontal and Vertical Lines of Life Notes - (4367)


If we approach this topic from a psychological analysis point of view we can get a lot of light about the subject.

Life - Horizontal Line

There are views on what life is. Everyone has some view on what life is. In fact there are many points of view from which life can be seen. Life can be seen from a philosophical point of view, from a biological point of view, from a hedonistic point of view, from a practical point of view etc. 

It is in fact very difficult to define what life is. Perhaps the best definition is the sum of all the different views, concepts, ideas and beliefs that people have about life. So we really have to be flexible and open...

Life though, definitely has three realities: a physical reality, a psychological reality and an esoteric reality. We are a biological cellular entity - meaning we are made up of cells on a biological level, we are a social entity, we are a psychological entity and we are also an esoteric entity.

The horizontal line of life is made up of four columns: the senses, personality, mind and ego.

The horizontal line of life is all about the second state of consciousness. There is much identification, fascination and sleep of the consciousness along the line of life.

A very strong element in the horizontal line of life is time and space. 

The horizontal line is all about going from the known to the known. Where everything is predictable. This is because there is the sleep of the consciousness and nothing is really known because the consciousness is asleep. This provokes fear and to counteract this fear the mind becomes active trying to control and secure things. This forms a main part of the horizontal line of life - the not knowing anything, fear, the active mind and the mind working to control and secure things. There is much distrust along the horizontal line of life. Practically very few people trust others in life, let alone governments, authorities, religion etc.

There is the 'same old' the same as it has been for centuries. The horizontal line of life has never changed it has always been the same. The vertical has always been the 'new', the 'unknown'.

The limits of the horizontal line of life are birth and death. The vertical line does not have any limits up or down.

The horizontal line is the dash between our date of birth and our date of death on our tombstone. 

What is important on the horizontal line of life is tradition, family, customs, religion, education, work, values, beliefs, culture and above all 'myself'.

The most important aspects on the horizontal are environment, family, culture and education. These factors are what condition and shape our personality the most.

The characteristics of the horizontal line are 'the mechanical', time, depends on the senses, materialism, relativity and duality. The foundations are personality, relativity and duality, culture and time. 

Vertical Line

The vertical line has two columns: essence (consciousness) and the work.

On the vertical line of life there are a lot unknowns, yet there is trust to deal with it all. Many unknown and unpredictable changes occur in the vertical line of life. This is because the Being of everyone is in charge when one is on the vertical line of life.

The superlative consciousness of the Being dwells in the essence. 

The vertical line is related to the level of the Being. It is a special line where we either go closer to our real selves - our Real Being or we go further away. On the horizontal line of life there is no ascension or descension. It is flat - the same.

Therefore, the vertical line is the line of changes, the line of transformation whereas the horizontal line is the line of the 'same old'. The same thing as always.

On the horizontal line of life the only movement that we make is in time. Whereas the vertical line is outside of time there is no movement in time there is movement in the level of the Being.

Movement in time versus movement in the level of Being - these are the two movements. Things change in matter, related to the senses, quality of life - physical changes only along the horizontal line of life. In the vertical line of life there are psychological changes and spiritual growth when ascending or the opposite when descending.

In the vertical line there are many pre-ordained and known elements, these are the virtues or values of the essence.

The level of Being changes from moment to moment. It is something that is very elastic. It all depends on the answer we give to the events of life.

Both Lines

The two lines are perpendicular to each other they can not be linked. They are in fact independent of each other.

Each line of Life has its values. In marriage one can see the two lines at work. People can marry based on the horizontal line of life. Marry someone who is successful, wealthy, a good stable source of income, own property, good looking, well known etc. or someone who has a lot of spiritual and ethical values and a good level of being but does not have the horizontal line of life very well developed. We all chose according to which line of life is more important to us. The experience of marriage shows us in time that the vertical line of life is what brings happiness in a marriage.

It can be the case but certainly not always the case that we can be at the top of the horizontal line of life but at the bottom of the vertical line of life. That is very wealthy and powerful people but they have a very low level of Being. There are many examples in the world today. There are also those who are very wealthy and powerful and have a high level of being.

The two lines of life are opposite in many respects. Where to be going well on the horizontal line, it is good to be very wealthy and rich in personality but to be going well on the vertical line, it is best that one is wealthy in the essence and its qualities and poor in the ego and personality.

Both lines of life intersect at every moment in life forming a cross. We then always have a choice between one or the other. Basically we chose the values of the horizontal line or the values of the vertical line at each moment.

Karma and recurrence operate along the horizontal line of life.

The best way to choose between the two different lines of life is to be in the moment and choose from the consciousness of the moment.

Each line of life has its foundations, elements and characteristics.

The vertical line has as its foundation the work and the essence. One of the elements is the level of the Being is characterized by the work and the awakening and by the values of the Being. 

The values of the work are based on the essence. The values of 'life' are based on personality. 

The essence is a congromulate of powers, virtues, attributes, laws and virtues. The values of the personality are: who I am, what I am, what I am worth, where I was born, how much I earn, what I do for a living and what I can do, etc.

On the horizontal line of life we develop what is outside of ourselves. On the vertical line we develop the Being in us, our inner spiritual dimension of ourselves. The vertical line is the invisible line and the horizontal line is the visible and tangible. Basically spirit and matter.

The spiritual dimension of ourselves actually forms the conditions of the horizontal line that we experience. Really the most important line is the invisible line which is the vertical line. There would be no horizontal line if there was no vertical line.  

Our life has two aspects the external and the internal. Every event has these two aspects. We often don't match the two. The best weapon in life is the appropriate interior state.

The outcome of the events of life depend on the interior state, that is on our psychological state. That is what is the realer aspect of our life - the psychological state behind the events of life. 

The key of life is to be able to identify the mathematical point of where the two lines meet and there we can make our choice. If we can't identify this point then we can't chose and change.

The mathematical point where these two lines cross serves to remind us that we have a choice between the old and the known and the new and transformative. 

End (4367).

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