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Saturday 26 March 2022

Mask of the Personality and Envy - (4372)

It is a mask that we put on before life. The mask is made up of the following things:

culture, religion, the trends of the times, the mindset of the times, family values, our past, our particular tastes, particular words (slang), nationalty, environment, inheritance, hobbies, habits, manners, fashion, habits, demenour, cars, housing, lifestyle, facebook account, instagram account etc.  

Personality is all what is to be shown and the things of the personality are things that are visible.

There is fantasy in the mask of personality. Becasue one does not really know one's true nature as and from the essence.

Comparison contributes to building the mask of personality. Comparison is behind envy which further builds the personality. 

The personality is made through imitation and it is also made to imitiate. When we lack the things of the personality that others have in their personality envy then is used to create the desire and drive to acquire those things and perhaps even more.  

The mask of personality is made to be dependent on 'the more' and 'the better'.

The trend with the horizontal line of life and the personality is that the personality devlopes and strengthens. 

The personality mainly reacts. It does not act - that pertains to our essence and our consciousness.

The mask of the personality does not have spiritual values in it. When the mask of personality looks at the spiritual values it feels terribly bored, scared and consequently some kind of aversion. It can also find the spiritual values to be impossible, too far, not very kind, not very human or even wrong...

End (4372).

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