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Tuesday 15 March 2022

Study Cause and Effect - (4349)

Everything in life is like dominos. One thing effects another and so on. Effects become causes and those causes produce effects and those effects become new causes and so it goes, on an on producing a large network of links. 

Those links are the links of cause and effect that link a number of people over a span of time and space.

It has been said that the causal world - the world of natural causes is a world or vast networks where the links of cause and effect can be seen precisely linking millions of human beings over vast spaces and expanses of time. 

We can see this long chain of cause and effect in our life...

We may see it actually many times over, maybe every day...

Obviously if it leads to unpleasant or disagreeable circumstances we would one day want to change this for the better. Even perhaps break this chain...

To break this chain we have to examine the chain and see where it all starts. We can break this chain by not allowing it to start, or by stopping the chain while it is going.

So the real point to see is where does the chain start? What do we do wrong? Or what mistake do we make? What are thinking when the chain begins? Does a wrong decison start the chain going? Or is it a lack of will perhpas to action what we know will set get things started on the right foot?

Anyway, it is all quite objective. Because the chain will continue until we actually to remove in a real way the starting point or a link in the chain. When the chain stops we know that we have found the start or removed a link.

In summary, the starting point or a link is all due to an "I". In particular due to our identification with an "I". It is always the same conclusion to satiation I tell myself. Work in mystical death.

End (4349). 

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