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Monday 7 March 2022

The Guardian of the Threshold Test Notes - (4344)

It is the first test on the path. The path begins after passing this test.

To fail this test means a delay in one's spiritual progress. 

Once one is prepared one can ask to be presented with this test once again. I have heard that this test can be presented to an aspirant up to three times. I am not sure what happens after failing this test three times. 

It has also been said that those people who fail this test end up polarising themselves against the esoteric teachings taught in Gnostic schools and also against the people who teach at these schools. Some become enemies and some don't quite go that far.

 Here below is the text of an old handout that I came across recently.

"The Guardian of the Threshold

What is needed to pass this test.

The ability to stand up to the ego. The ego maybe stronger than us but yet we have to stand up to it, face it and confront it. We have to show that we can throw ourselves into the fight against the ego and not retreat before it.

That of not hiding our defects from ourselves and being beyond or at least able to see through the mind's justification of our defects.

This includes things like stop blaming others, finding excuses, long explanations, etc. See the ego, reveal it to ourselves and allow the reason for the error to be made clear and visible to ourselves.

We need to demonstrate that we can accept our reality. The reality that have the ego, which is a personification of a defect (a wrong creation) and that with the identification with the ego we go to the side of error.

We need to be able to separate ourselves from the ego. During the test of the Guardian of the Threshold we are fighting against something separate to us. We are actually fighting against the living mirror of all our ugliness says V.M Samael. We need the ability to separate ourselves from the ego. If we can take advantage (self discovery) of others talking about our egos that is a good sign that we can separate ourselves from the ego.

There is also an element in this test where we must demonstrate our ability to confront, face the ego. In other words to not retreat before the ego. We find that when we make the decision to face the ego and fight it we see that the ego losses force. The same applies for the test of the Guardian of the Threshold where when we face it and fight with it the Guardian flees.

This test can be passed physically and what is needed to pass this test is to reveal eveery error that we have made in this life. Every bad deed must be exposed and any diversion from the truth is considered a failure. We can do this to ourselves as the audience to gauge our resistance.

The Guardian of the Threshold test demands that we must be able to stop hiding from ourselves. The physical way through which it is passed shows that all has to be exposed and that nothing can be hidden because what we hide from ourselves or don't accept within ourselves we hide from others."

End (4344).

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