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Saturday 26 March 2022

When Facing the Horizontal Line of Life - (4369)

Life does not see the apth but the path sees life. The path knows life and can conquer life but life can not conquer the path. 

The position of the path before life is one of strength due to the wisdom or intelligence of the path. Also due to the strength of spirit that one acquires on the path.  

Strong in the spirit and strong in matter is what we strive for. The values of the path are stronger than the values of life because they are of the eternal and connect directly to the supreme source of life. 

To be strong in the doctrine of the path helps us when facing life.

Know that when we chose the path we chose to please the enternal in us. The immortal in us - our Inner Being. 

Remembering the Being helps us to embrace the path and its values and so makes us strong and wise before life.

Any humilation that we suffer on the path where it seems life suubmits us will result in a later exaltation where life yields to us and rewards us. This is because on the path there is a law that says: 'every exaltation is preceeded by a humiliation".

End (4369).

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