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Sunday 10 April 2022

Bread and Wine Notes - (4387)


This post is a collection of notes on the subject of bread and wine which is an ancient subject much older than Christianity.


The bread and wine are one representation of the balance between spirit and matter.

Via magical formula the spirit contained in matter is released, but does not escape from matter. It remains loosley with the matter it has been relased from so that it can act freely and function freely.

The Spirit in this case, are the Christic atoms.    

There is a uniting and collective aspect to the bread and wine. It unites and shows us that the spirit of the released Christic atoms is unity. Almost never is the bread and wine given to one person.

The Christic atoms link us all to the fight for the same cause. There is such a beautiful teaching that says "when love is present He is present".

Lust within a person destroys the values of the bread and wine.

When a person takes the bread and wine they receive Christc atoms in their throat. The only other way to receive Christic atoms in the larynx is through the Alchemy.

The best ways to approach the bread and wine is to align with the Spirit of the Christic force. Which is the movement of sacrifice and unity.

The christic atoms enter teh blood of those take the bread and wine and then these atoms strengthen the Humbledzoin which is known as the blood of the Being. 

The Humbledzoin is a substance that is in our own blood that carries into our physical body energies of our Divine Monad.

Blood is a life bridge. The Christic force has been described as being the 'powerful astral mediation that links our physical personality to the solar emanance of the Father". Christ and the blood are both mediators and are intimately linked.

Traditionally it is a priest who offers the bread and the wine. This is because the bread and the wine are the mother and the Father's role is to fecundate matter (bread and wine) as He is the Spirit. However as the bread and wine have already been fecundated - the Father releases the Spirit from the bread and Wine. The Spirit is the Christic atoms. Which is also the son of Spirit and Matter. That is why Christ is the cross because He is the son of the Spirit and Matter.

There is a rich history to do with he unctin. Master Samael in teh Quinto Evangelio speaks beautiofully about it. This history as Master Samael explains is tied into the history of the Holy Grail.  

Why bread? There are many explanations which tell us why bread. One of them says that bread is made up of five elements which correspond to the five main ingredients of bread. Which are flour (Earth), salt (fire), oil (ether), water (water) and leaven (air). The four elements also correspnd to the four seasons. As each of these ingredients are harvested over the four different seasons.

The bread and the wine are related to the last supper. Which was a very esoteric ritual that had as its purpose to link Jesus to the apostles. That is to link the master to his most trusted disciples. 

We see here in the purpose of this ritual how the bread and wine are like the Christ in that they perform a linking function, a function of mediation just as the Christ mediates between master and disciple and spirit and matter.

More on blood...Breath, blood and semen are the three most magical substances, and are those which correspond to the three logoi. Where blood corresponds to the second logos.  

When the bread and wine are celebrated together it links all present in a superior spiritual octave.

Blood links and in our blood there is a link to our karma. To our ancestral karma. There also exist the very famous 'blood pacts'. Blood is used in such pacts as it binds and contains energetic substances of our own being and so it can be sworn upon as it is the same as swearing upon our deepest honour which is our Real Being - our Spirit.  

Blood is a link that works on the astral level and blood is an astral vibration. That is that is where it vibrates most perceptibly and powerfully.

Each body, astral, mental adn causal contains a different level of Humbledzoin which is the blood of the Being. The causal body logically has the highest degree of Humbledzoin.

If we have the astral body we can influnece more the astral blood links favourable ot unfavourably. After the last supper ritual the master is able to materialise his or her astral body for sometime until the astral dimension calls it back once again. In the case of Jesus that period of time before the astral called his physical body back was said to be 11 years.    

Blood is a also a powerful bridge between the essence and the physical body. It is a kind of an electromagnetic link. 

End (4387).

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