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Thursday 14 April 2022

Gnostic Student Physical Body - (4384)

In general the condition of the physical bodies of many Gnostic students is not all that good. Understandably so because to care for the physical body requires a lot of time and effort that takes away from the time and effort that as Gnostic student we need to put into practicing and working psychologically and esoterically.

To get a physical body in top shape is almost a full time job and we just don't have anywhere near that time, and frankly the desire to spend time doing that either, as it does not free us from our suffering and karma. 

None the less to ignore the physical body is not correct as it is one of the three very important relationships that we have (body, environment and consciousness) and it is the physical temple of our inner Being.

Well the intelligent way for a Gnostic student to look after the physical body is to join the looking after the body with the psychological work. Which would mean being strict with the egos that harm the health of the body. 

Which means to work seriously on laziness, gluttony, lust, self-compassion and anger. 

We find duality and the need to seek balance. Because if we look after the body too much we forget the work on ourselves and think that marvelous health will solve all our problems. Some of them yes for sure but certainly not our esoteric and psychological problems.

End (4384).

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