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Monday 25 April 2022

In the Don't Want to Work State - Use Diplomacy - (4400)

We as a person in our centres like in our emotional centre for example, don't want to meditate or look inside or practice and sometimes it is the mind that just doesn't co-operate with our intention to practice by quietening down or allowing us to focus our consciousness. So when faced with this situation inside of ourselves we can do something else that we have yet to do like things around the house or use another approach - diplomacy and negotiation.

Just as professional negotiators appease and solve very tense and difficult situations we inside of ourselves can do the some with our mind for example. Let it run a little, just watching it wonder off and slowly reign it in to quieten down. Same thing with the conflictive or opposing emotions, do something like a practice or activity we feel like doing and then slowly once we feel better slowly redirect the emotions towards meditating and or practicing and go ahead with our practice.

It may sound childish, however there are so many times when we fall into this state and don't do anything about it and just stay stuck and get nothing done at all, not even something as quick and easy as wiping down the kitchen sink...

End (4400).

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