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Thursday 7 April 2022

Lessons from the Circles of the Abyss - (4382)


This post comes from a study that we are currently doing with one of our groups. This post presents just some of the main lessons that each circle of the abyss offers to teach our consciousness.


There is a lot of learning to be had in studying the abyss. This is because of the relationship between light and darkness. Consciousness is light and the abyss is darkness. Darkness can be converted into light. Therefore by studying our abyss we can convert what we have of darkness into light of our consciousness.

The main understanding about the abyss is that it is an inversion of the light. It is light inverted into darkness. So if we just see the opposite of the darkness we get the light. The abyss when we study it we see that it is an inversion of the tree of life. The different circles of the abyss contain the inversion of the Divine attributes seen in the Tree of Life. The Devil is God inverted.

1st Circle

Here we learn about definition. That there is greater value in taking a decision and sticking to it. There is even greater value in making the wrong decison then not making any decsion. That there is greater value even in taking the wrong side than not taking any side. This circle is Limbo where people are neither here nor there. Here we learn that not taking any side is selfish and it is opportunistic and being opportunistic produces a lot of stagnation - i.e. limbo.

When we make the wrong decison we can soon enough learn that it is wrong and reverse it or at the very least learn a lot.

2nd Circle

We learn about the relatonship to the sexual energy in this circle. About the correct relationship with the sexual energies through seeing one side of the wrong relationship. There are other sides but these sides are seen in deeper circles of the abyss such as in the seventh circle.

We all learn about the sexual energy early on in our life. How we relate to our sexual energy from there onwards in many ways dictates a lot what happens next in our life. Here in this circle of the abyss we learn how not organising, not intelligently or ethically directing the sexual energy has great power to rule our life and produce chaos in our life.

3rd Circle

Pleasure later becomes pain. This is because we go past the points of balance in the body.

We can avoid the pleasure and pain cycle by relating consciously with the sensations of pleasure. Which means using will to keep to the balance. Will in the sense of an inner kind of control over ourselves.

This inner control is correct. Often it does not feel correct it feels like we are depriving ourselves of enjoyment etc. But no-one is saying we can't experience enjoyment it is just up to us how much as to whether we pass the balance point and then have to deal with consequences which are often painful. 

The lesson is also that there is a realer joy in moderation - which is called contentment. Which is a stable kind of joy that is long lasting, unlike pleasure which is very short term and needs to be experienced again and again after experiencing pain again and again.

4th Circle

Here we learn about the Law of give and take. How it is so common to polarise ourselves with either side and not locate ourselves in the middle. We learnt that either side of this Law has harmful consequences for humanity, ourselves and the Earth.

Here we learn that the right thing is to give and to take. Not to be on the side of giving or spending or on the other side of saving and receiving the whole time. This applies to money mostly but to anything else where there is an exchange or flow. It could be related to services and favours that we do for others. We can't just give do favours for freinds all the time and not let them help us and we can't just get friends to serve us all the time either.

5th Circle

Here we learn about the relationship with force. We both learn about the external and internal use of force. 

When we use force against ourselves inside of ourselves we end up very sad and depressed. We learn here that sadness is the result of using force inside of ourselves against ourselves.

6th Circle

Here we learn about the relationship to power through seeing all the abuses of power. We learn that using power to separate people from God, from others, from family and causing divisions in groups and society is one of the worst wrong uses of power.

It is only really by the wrong use of power that can cause such separations. This circle teaches us that we should use power or authority to unite others, groups and people to God. 

We often due to materialism cause separations. Especially in spiritual groups, societies and communities.

7th Circle

This circle is about violence. Here we really find the "I's" of self-compassion. Where self-compassion combines with anger to become violence. Which is force turning to become destructive. The worst kind of self-compassion is the one where self-compassion invokes anger becoming violent and then with anger it begins to destroy all that is good and of value and all that is good and of value to us are: ourselves, nature (this includes others) and God. Hence the three smaller circles within this circle. 

So this circle is about the wrong relationship to compassion. How, due to failure we allow compassion to invert and become hatred towards ourselves for having failed or gotten it so wrong. The real compassion once again recognises the suffering and acts to repair and return one back to the path to success. Real compassion feels the suffering and acts to repair the suffering.

8th Circle

This circle for sure is about the relationship with the truth. This circle shows us how many different wrong relationships there are with the truth.

It shows us how the truth is indeed a very high value that pays off spiritually speaking and how not working with the truth really harms us and our spiritual work and the relationship to our Real Being.

9th Circle

This circle is about the relationship to loyalty and trust. This circle being the greatest antithesis of the Divine shows us that the greatest virtues are those of loyalty and trust.

A good thing for us to note here, is that if we work with these two virtues or qualities they will really pay forward in our spiritual work and development.

Once again the worst kind of break of trust is betrayal of one's spiritual master. Because the highest qualities are alive in such a relationship and so to break or kill such qualities it is of much graver consequence.


Through the study of the abyss we learn the right relationship to Divine attributes by seeing all the wrong ways of relating. 

The wrong way of relating are usually the extremes. The balanced way is the conscious way and that takes us up towards the inner Being.


End (4382). 


  1. This has been a very meaningful post. Do you still plan to write about 7, 8 and 9?

  2. Thanks for finishing this post, again it is very helpful for my work. I would not have connected the defect of self-compassion to the seventh circle after reading HDK, but I see this is very true inside of me.
