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Sunday 24 April 2022

Mistaken Functioning of the Centres Notes - (4395)

This post is a collection of short notes from I believe lecture or hand out prepared by Master Samael titled: "The Mistaken Functioning of the Human Machine".

Intellectual Centre

Mistaken Functioning - Intellectualism

With the intellect we create intellectualism. We receive knowledge and convert that knowledge into intellectualism. To stop doing that we need to meditate deeply on that piece of knowledge so to understand it. When we understand any piece of knowledge we balance it into our human machine, that is we act upon it or apply it.

How is Intellectualism Created?

What happens Master Samael says is that knowledge gets trapped into the different "I's" that we have in the intellect. That knowledge then takes on a wrong course. Which has two branches: more intellectualism feeding pride and intolerance and misuse - that is using that knowledge to harm or disadvantage others. 

Intellectualism and Illuminated Intellection

"Intellectualism is the opposite pole of intelligence. It is very different from illuminated intellection."

Intellectualism is the mixture of the psychological "I" with information acquired through the external senses; intelligence is an attribute of the Being, it is a faculty of the superlative consciousness of the Being."

Keys to Work With

To know that an "I" in our brain is thinking. Non-identification with the thoughts. To know that we are not the thoughts. To know that we are not thinking really - that it is one or another "I". 

Work to possess an individual mind. A mind that works on its own findings and information and not one that just thinks what any "I" thinks. A mind that is independent of the intellectual processes of the "I's".

Emotional Centre

Mistaken Functioning

Negative emotions are the mistaken functioning of the emotional centre.

Negative emotions have their root-cause in mechanical associations and in the identification with ourselves and others.

"The intellectual animal looks at life through the information stored in the centres and when an exterior event does not coincide with certain information, the result is a negative emotion."

The false concepts that we have about ourselves surely provoke inferior emotions.


The non-expression of negative emotions.

To sacrifice our own suffering. When we don't sacrifice our sufferings we create so many different "I's" especially resentment.

Motor Centre

Mistaken Functioning


Instinctive Centre

Mistaken Functioning


Sexual Centre

Mistaken Functioning

The main activities are: reproduction of the human species. Transmutation of the sexual libido. Creation of solar bodies and the elimination of the psychological defects with the help of the Divine Mother.


End (4395). 

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