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Thursday 12 May 2022

Astral Scenario of the Trial of the Elements - (4411)

We are taught that the trial of the elements: air, fire, water and earth take place internally in the astral world. We know the astral world is mostly about emotions. We also know that emotions, the way we feel towards something are a big part of our relationship to anything. So in the astral world we can see very well how well or not we relate to something.

The test or trails of the elements are really to see how well we relate to the positive qualities of the elements. To see how well we relate to these positive qualities our feeling towards them would need to be seen. There is no better place than the astral to see or assess this.

The scenarios of the tests of the elements all seem to have a common patter. They are scenarios where we are immersed in the element. We are thrown into the ocean left to swim or drown, find ourselves between two mountains crashing in on us, thrown into a deep well free falling in the air and then with the test of fire thrown into a heated and volatile situation being accused of something we did not do. 

So then being immersed in these elements if we are scared or run away, shows us that we do not relate well with the qualities that we need to pass the tests. For example, with the test of water if we are strong in adaptation then we won't fear being thrown into the water, because the water is adaptation and in the astral we relate with the emotional quality of things including water, not physical water and the emotional quality is adaptation. The same applies with air, fire and earth.

If we panic and become scared stiff it shows that we don't relate well with the positive qualities of the elements just yet, and so we fail the tests waking up straight away having being sent back to our body.

End (4411).

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