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Tuesday 10 May 2022

Ethics for the Path - (4410)

The path works by virtue of its ethics. 

If we don't know these ethics we don't end up relating well to the path.

We won't be able to get the path to work... We won't be able to even work for the path...

The ethics of life or the way life works is not the way the path works. There are many things that are in common and there are many things that are not and this makes a person falter on the path or relate badly and become disappointed with the path and not understand it.

The ways of an highly ethical human life are the characteristics that are in common with the ways of the path... But the ethics and ways of the path go much further...

Only the spiritual teachings can teach us these ethics and the many ways of the path. Life and life's teachings can't teach us the path. 

What definitely doesn't work for the path is the ego mixed with the values of life, or in other words: mind, ego and personality. This inferior triad doesn't work for the path.

We never inherit the path. We are never gifted the path. We are not worthy of the path until we prove it.

We can't chose the circumstances of our path. Because we are not the author of our path, our Inner Being is and He sees what we need. Which is often what we think that we don't need...

We don't steal, commit adultery, harm others because of others... We don't steal, commit adultery and harm others because it is against our Being and our principles first and foremost.  

No sentimentality on the path. We get to where we are by hard, sincere and honest work. If we get anywhere on the path it is because we are sincere.

To be continued...

End (4410).

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