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Friday 13 May 2022

Ethics of the Path - (4413)

I think that it is useful to know the ethics by which the path works. Because if we know the ethics we can apply them to align ourselves to the path. 

How does my Inner Being function? How does my Inner Being relate with others and how does my Inner Being do things in the sphere of life, psychology and in the esoteric and magical fields as well as in the field of the Spirit?

The answer to that question is that our Inner Being does those things based on ethics. What are those ethics that our Inner Being functions, operates and conducts itself by?

We may answer in our mind by saying It functions by It's own ethics - and for sure yes that has to be right, or we say by the ethics of Its consciousness - yes that would be right too and also yes there is a common ground - the consciousness of the Being is light and everyone else can see the light and understand the light and this common understanding make up the ethics of the Being.

What is ethical to one Being will also be ethical to another. Such as the esoteric ethics...

The path we are taught also partakes of our inner Being and how our Inner Being operates. So the ethics of the path are also the ethics of our Inner Being. The ethics that we learn by doing the path are not something that we do the opposite of when we are fully fused into our Being. So yes they are of our Inner Being. So doing the ethics of the path we are doing what our Being would do!

In truth there are many ethics. Nearly every human field has its ethics. There are ethics in business, in politics, in Science, in medicine, in esotericism and there must be ethics in the path.

We can only imagine that the path would work with a superior set of ethics.

The ethics of the path works by means of esoteric values, principles and laws. The ethics of the path are not a set of rules or code of conduct or a set of good manners...

Even criminals work by a set of ethics or code of conduct... 

The ego feels threatened by a superior set of ethics. Because it knows that it is ready to live it and that means it's has to die. So having the ego we have to be realistic and see that some extra ethics apply - with the biggest extra one being the ethic of dissolving the ego.

The ethics of dissolving the ego is the biggest ethic for us to adhere to. In fact with this one action we come into line with the all the ethics. 

The ethical triangle is the triangle of Atman, Buddhi and Manas. Ethics come from down through the Spirit, then the consciousness and then the soul.

Eight-Fold Path gives us much orientation. 

1. wise view

2. wise intention

3. wise speech

4. wise action

5. wise livelihood

6. wise effort

7. wise mindfulness

8. wise concentration

To be continued...

End (4413).

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