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Saturday 28 May 2022

Good Egos - Virtues Exaggerated and Turned into Defects - (4431)

We can move from life to the next expressing opposite values. For sure in one life we can strengthen the bad qualities and in another life strengthen the good qualities.

The Inner Being in people uses the good and bad egos that we ahve to do and be certain things in our different lives. Using the egos that we have the Being leads us to create new ones though which It can learn certain qualities or acquire certain experiences.

The result of that is which are many people inside of oursleves, even two opposite people sometimes. We are the good person but deeper inside and in our background lies the opposite person. Both are there in us and we have been both.

To strengthen the good qualities is good but strengthening them to the point of exageration is when the good qualities become a defect or a cause for many problems in our life... 

Strengthening the good qualities too much leads us to create the 'good' egos which make us to be silly and attract a lot of criticism...

Strengthening the bad qualities means strengthening egos and there is a finite amount that they can be strengthened before the person hits rock bottom and then goes to the side of the good or either the side of the consciousness or balance.

End (4431).

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