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Sunday 22 May 2022

How Flexibility is the Key and how it is So Needed - (4421)

I heard a Gnostic teacher say once that the Being is flexible with us and if it was not for that flexibility we would all be in some kind of deep disability in relation to the progress that we make for our Inner Being.

The thing is though if it were not for that flexibility we would not be able to advance. If for example the Being in each one of us were to apply justice strictly or the laws strictly we would be so heavily burdened that we would not be able to get up.

Flexibility is tolerance and patience. The Divinity inside of us tolerates and is patient with our errors while it helps us to advance. If the Divinity and the Law were to only allow us to progress once certain errors and debts have been paid we would never be able to advance in our work and along the path of our Being.

Flexibility is a grace period, it is parallel work, not in series, and is trust knowing that some grace can be given while certain defects will be eliminated as things advance and debts are paid.

As the inner Divinty and the Divine Law are flexible with us when it has been decided that we will work for our Inner Being's realisation we too need to be flexible with others who are working otherwise they and we won't get anywhere with them or together.

End (4421). 

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