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Sunday 29 May 2022

Mind Clarity and Impressions Blur - (4432)

What happens with our mind is that the data from the impressions is what sticks and stays and even rules...

The objective facts don't really stick and stay in our mind. This causes a lot of miscommunications and many problems in practical daily life.

For example, someone says this and that to us and what stays in our mind is that they were angry but we are so blurry and hazy about what they actually said. 

What then stays in our mind is the perception that they were angry and then our mind interprets that as a negative response but that is not what they said at all. So we only have clear in our mind that they appeared angry and we have the impression that they didn't like the idea.

Then we arrange, organize and act according to the interpretation that they were angry and we go and cancel this and that causing a big inconvenience annoying and bothering a lot of people. But that was never what that person said to do and it was not their intention. 

So goes the sometimes disasterous effects of miscommunications...

Knowing this about our mind we need to be alert to the interpterion of impressions and to really listen. 

Transforming impressions is so necessary and practical. Another technique to avoid this is to demand clarity of our mind and then we will make ourselves to look past the wrong interpretation of the impressions.

End (4432). 

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