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Wednesday 25 May 2022

The Fire and Desire Link - (4426)

Fire is always associated with desire. The reason why is because fire always consumes and more is needed to be consumed for fire to continue existing. 

Fire consumes because it transforms matter into energy. That is, it releases the energy from matter. It rarefies matter.

So the desire will always be there as long as there is fire. So the wise point for us to note here is to know what we feed fire. 

Because if we are feeding fire unwholesome energies or the fire in us will desire more of this. Our sexual and digestive system are fire and so if we give our digestive system junk food the fire in our digestive system will desire more junk food and we'll become very unhealthy. The same with our sexual system.

There is a lot of fire in us. Our psyche is full of fire. So each of the different fires have their different materials that they consume. 

The fire element in our digestive system consumes food.

The spiritual fire of the Divine Mother - Kundalini consumes spiritual energy or transmuted energy. It is selective in the food it consumes. If we give it low quality energies it will starve. But if we give the fire of the Kundalini merits, heart felt wishes and yearnings and the values of psychological death it thrives and ascends. 

The key is to feed the right fires for our spiritual growth. The wrong fires are our egos and they are fed with different food. We do this by intaking the right food. So it means to take in the right food for the essence and make sure the essence in us gets that food. Because fire is fire it can consume almost anything  given the right amount of time... 

End (4426).

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