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Monday 30 May 2022

Things of the Abyss - (4435)

This post is just from a dream I had down there where I was lead to reflect and come to some conclusions which I am going to present tin this post.

The following things are found in the abyss are of an absurd (abyss) nature even though they are not terrible.

Exorbitant Prices 

There is something of the abyss, to charge an exorbitant price for something all because of a name. For example Ferrari manufactures sports cars but say Ferrari produces watches and just because it is Ferrari an exorbitant price is charged for a watch that for all purposes is something quite ordinary, but carries the Ferrari name and logo.

Organ Dealing

I think that one speaks for itself. Trading with the organs of other people. The act of taking them out and transplanting them. Yes I know that organ donation and transplantation has saved many lives. But still it is not something found in nature.

Psychological Maiming of Oneself 

Cutting off one's own natural psychological characteristics is something from the abyss also. We can do it in so many different ways. Even though they may make certain relationships and circumstances easier they only lead to pain later on.


The so very obvious fascination with the body in both the person with the body and the people who go into hysterics because of the person's body. The fascination with fashion that produces all kinds of 'mysterious like' looks from different bygone eras and even modern maybe never to happen eras of the future. The vanity of some actors is really obvious and heavy sometimes. 

End (4435).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks as always for your posts. I am curious what would be an example of psychological maiming? As I read this point, it struck me that the way I approach the death of the ego is a type of cutting off of psychological characteristics, but ones that I know are harmful for myself and those around me.
