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Monday 6 June 2022

About Respect - (4445)

It is worth studying respect. The basis of an essence to essence relationship is respect.

An essence to essence relationship is a real relationship, one with real values. One where one can experience peace of spirit, contentment of spirit and real work on oneself and work for the spirit of others...

There are many aspects of respect. In this post I'm just going to touch on a few aspects and in later posts touch on other aspects.  

Respect certainly has an aspect to it that is about knowing, and the consciousness is knowing. So respect has a relationship to consciousness.

So to be respectful is to be conscious. A conscious person is a respectful person.

Respect means to leave things intact as they are. Our consciounsess perceives an order and to have resepct means to leave that order as it is and not interfere with it by making changes etc.

For example, every translator respects the words of whom they translate by not adding or taking away words.

Every muscian respects the composer by playing the music in the actual way the composer wrote it. Not playing extra notes or playing the notes in a different way then what was intended by the composer. 

To respect the environment means to leave nature as it is, not to pollute the environment. 

For example, we may have a spiritiual master in front of us and when we know that the person in front of us is a spiritual master, respect automatically appears in us. This is because we know the hard work that was done to become a spiritual master and the high value of that work. Respect inside of us would not allow us to bring to that master our heavy egos, our rough personality or the silly things from our mind. 

Respect also means to not cross over the invisible line of respect which is only really ever seen with the eyes of our understanding. When we cross over the invisible line of respect we do the following things: say inappropiate things, ask inappriopriate things, change things by adding or subtracting, bringing low values, bringing negative behaviour, bringing heavy words and negativity etc. etc.

Respect leads to trust. When we are respectful towards a person we win their trust.

We can apply directly the above mentioned points inside of ourselves and that becomes self-respect.

End (4445). 

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