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Saturday 11 June 2022

Dealing with Disagreements - Some Notes - (4451)

People have their disagreements, that's a reality of life. Even when people are doing the work on themselves and have been doing so for many years...

Disagreements appear as expected and sometimes unexpectedly. The unexpected ones can be the worse type...

I think disagreements appearing is not so much the issue, it's how we deal with them that is the real issue.

Here are some notes about dealing with them.

Try hard to not be scared of them.

Don't worry that they appear, they have to appear to show us what to work on and because we are all different and we all have our particular way of thinking.

Disagreements are often due to us just having a different mental position or state. Meaning each person is coming from their own side and on their own side are their values (egoic or conscious), their level of Being and their level of work.

Listen properly, employ a wise silence and speak when we have to. 

Don't add content that aggravates...

Wisely introduce space... Gaps in speaking or gaps in physical presence to allow each party to calm down, reflect and work: go inside, pray and work.

A phenomenal opportunity for self-observation and self-discovery...

Let the details go. Things worsen when we get into details...A big time warp opens up. Details equals a head ache. Concentrate on the spirit of things...

Be vigilant over anger as that causes egoic fighting which is mind against mind and the end result is not remembering what was ever fought about, but regret as some layers of goodness were scratched away - perhaps never to be recuperated or perhaps needing time to recuperate. All the same it is to retrogress.

To fight is all about strengths. It is to be strong. It all depends on what we are strong in. Be strong in the moment by moment application work. Be strong in the values of the essence. Don't be strong in the ego, the sensorial mind and personality.

Hold firmly to the values of the essence and the work, even if it seems to be getting you nowhere. Give it time. 

Do the right thing not the easy thing. The right thing is what is correct by the reference points of the work, the Being and the path.

To negotiate on the values is to destroy the values. Imagine a person negotiates on chastity in the practice of Alchemy he or she will get nowhere. Some things are not negotiable. Know which things are and which things are not. In general the things that affect the work of your Being are not negotiable.

Disagreements scan show us our hidden defects, concepts, points of view, associations, memories inner problems etc.

To not get identified and to really work on disagreements and during disagreements teaches mountains. But to get identified teaches us nothing - it only retrogrades ourselves.

End (4451).

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