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Monday 13 June 2022

Education Rather than Admonishment - (4457)

I have always found myself and others too, to react better and produce real changes when instead of admonishment to do with the correction of the error there has been education. 

Education is clear and purposeful yet it has a kindness or good will to it. When we educated instead of admonished we actually listen and we are shown what and how to show. Admonishment often makes us scared or angry and we then can't or don't listen to what is being said, and admonishment just says what needs to change but the 'how' is not given. So the end result tis that we don't change and we create a new facet of fear and anger related to that area of admonishment - for example - leaving the lights on.

In conclusion if we want to get through to others better - go the way of education rather than admonishment. Education though is still firm and clear but with an unmistakable air of kindness or good-will.

This is s real point that if we apply it we can do a lot of good. Reap a lot of results for ourselves and others.

End (4457).

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