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Thursday 23 June 2022

Inner Path and Outer Path - (4463)

We all have our outer path. Our daily routine, our physical work, the various family events, daily practical duties around our house and at our work place etc. 

What we need is our inner path. Gnosis gives us our inner path.

The two paths are very different. 

One day our inner path will shape and determine the outer path and also frequently shape it as it goes along.

The odd thing out in our outer path is meditation, esoteric practices and prayer... Why do I say odd? Because if we list down all the things of outer life it is washing, cleaning, weeding, cooking, working, shopping and meditation for instance is eh odd one out isn't it? That's why we need two paths - an inner and an outer. True we need two lives or paths, but the main one has to be the inner path and the inner path to sustain the outer.

That is the best way to manage the two, to be successful in both...

The inner path is the work we are doing. If we are learning to concentrate and to silence our mind that is our inner path. If we are developing a virtue that is our inner path. If we are working to get close to our Inner Being that is our inner path. If we are working to dissolve a defect or "I" that is our inner path.

Very often during the day we need to make contact with our inner path. Our inner path is what feeds us, what gives us energy, meaning and motivation. It also gives us life...

Ask yourself often during the day: "Where is my inner path?" "What I am doing on it?". Then with your answers go ahead and work on your inner path, cultivate and develop your inner path.

End (4463).

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