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Tuesday 7 June 2022

Four 'Lived' Points to do with Helping Others - (4439)

It is good to talk to Gnostic people especially when they talk about their learnings from their direct experience with the work on their life. 

The Lived/Experienced Points

Point One

We often feel compelled because no one helped us years ago when we were in a particular difficult situation and remembering how hard it was, that we should help others who are now in a similar situation and are finding it difficult. 

There is a point to consider here, which is that our Inner Being and the Divine Law placed us in that situation to learn and develop. So when we rush o help others who are now in the same difficult situation that we previously passed through without any help, we are actually not valuing that set of  experiences given to us by our Inner Being.

It could be - highly likely that the person we feel that we should help has been given such difficulties to develop and learn from.

Often the difficulty that we go through to help that person shows us that we are not meant to help them. and that difficulty could also be internal...

Point Two

Helping a person too much eventually causes a person to stop appreciating your help and then one day that lack of balance tends to come against us. In the way that when the person we have been helping has to decide or act upon something, that person because he or she has already lost appreciation (taken us for granted) for us, will not think twice to inconvenience us or perhaps worse. 

Point Three

A very good, sustainable and excellent way to help others and ourselves at the same time is the balance dway of helping.

Which entails getting the person to make some effort to us half way in the help. They take a few steps and we take a few steps and we then help them by working with them.

To do everything for them is not a good way. It can be done a few times but balanced out later for friendlier and more positive results for all.

Point Four

We can have within our psychology laziness and selfishness that is clearly against helping others and wants time to rest and be alone and we could have certain false psychological needs that push us to also help others, but underneath it is no different to selfishness because it also wants something...

We can often help to be liked and to use it to serve as a kind of inner validation of us being a good person that is developing some virtue.

An interesting observation is that such psychological needs in us carry a certain energy need or vacuum  of validation, of being listened to, cared for etc.. which takes or derives energy from others through their attention being placed on us


The above paragraphs are some 'notes to self' points to be more conscious in that area of helping others. I always say though just go and help others, even if it is all ego. As you continue to help others you will see how to not help from the place of those egos and you will not stop gaining merit for yourself. Of course we gain more cosmic capital helping others done with our essence separated from any ego but there is always a time to learn, develop, practice and develop. Just go and help others and when you make a practice of it you will refine it a lot quicker.

End (4439).

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