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Monday 11 July 2022

Life's Problems and Sexual Energy - (4482)

Let's face it, life is just a series of problems to be solved. A continuous stream. The stream may flow faster some days and trickle the next. We all want the trickle but we get the fast flowing mountain river. 

I think any leader, manager or head of any organization knows about this. They are always solving problems - only the difficulty and number varies, but that is the constant - life is about solving problems.

Anyway to solve problems in life we need solutions. Often good old known standard solutions do the trick but sometimes not, and so we need creativity and that is where the sexual energy comes from.

Thanks to our sexual energy we can come up with creative solutions to our life's problems.

That's one of its roles in creation. 

So when we transmute we make our physical organs more creative and more capable of solving life's problems.

End (4482).

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