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Thursday 14 July 2022

Notes on Solving Problems - (5308)

Gnosis gives a very good set of pointers to do with solving problems.

This post is just a short list of some points to do with what Gnosis says about solving problems.

Don't worry there are meant to be problems to solve in life. Life is a series of continuous problems.

Life is about solving problems. 

The attitude we have towards solving problems is a determinant factor. For problems inside of us o disappear we basically we have to become someone who loves facing and solving problems. Then a problem is not a 'problem' anymore. There are people in life in fact who really love and make a living off solving problems. 

Most professions are about solving some kind of a problem or another. A doctor solves our health problems, an engineer solves a company's technology, electrical and mechanical problems, a cleaner solves the mess problems etc. etc.

Problems are relative. What is a problem for me is not a problem for you. Some things we call problems are not problems. For example, we are hungry and we are at home and our fridge is full of food and yet we say there's nothing to eat - that's not a problem, just open the fridge and make something to eat. If we were on the streets, with no money and where to live and we are hungry then that's a problem.  

Many people are in jail because they solved their problems or a problem using the wrong means or in the wrong way or while they were in the wrong internal state.

The solutions that are of value in life are the solutions that are arrived at by applying the Law of Three.

The consciousness is excellent at solving problems and finding solutions.

The mind is not very good. It takes a long time and wastes so much energy trying. Many times if the mind finds a solution, it only holds for a couple of days. 

The real solution comes when the mind is not thinking about finding a solution. In other words like what Master Samael expressed: "we solve problems by forgetting them".

Every problem is sustained by the mind. When the mind forgets the problem the problem is gone. 

Every problem has two opposing poles. The solution lies in reconciling these two opposite poles. Hence the Law of Three. That is what the Law of Three does so well. It balances or reconciles the opposites. We need a bit of consciousness to do this.

A problem is a drama and it has a beginning, a peak and then an end. This is the law of problems. They all always follow the same pattern.

Changing centres is an excellent, simple and practical way of solving problems. 

Problems basically afflict our intellect with worries and our emotion with anxiety, tension, loss and fear... 

When the intellect is worried engage the motor centre. When the emotional centre is anxious engage the motor centre.

End (5308). 

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