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Saturday 9 July 2022

Respect we Lack and Need - (4469)

Where do we lack respect?

Respect exists in the five centres of the human machine. We can have different levels of respect and disrespect in each centre. Knowing this is, is something of self-discovery.

We all in general lack respect where there is ignoring (ignorance) and a lack of knowledge and experience.

We all in general respect the pain or sufferings of others because we have either experienced that before or have seen others close to us pass through that or we can consciously imagine and therefore feel its difficulty.

The real respect that comes from the conscious knowing of the difficulties people face in life is a powerful antidote to arrogance.

We all in general in the moment that anger, pride and lust appear in our human machine lack respect for both others and ourselves. 

We also all in general all lack respect for the spiritual or the esoteric. The lay person scoffs and mocks the esoteric teachings - saying they are woo-hoo and 'a load of baloney'.

When we don't think or either don't want to think esoterically we stop respecting the esoteric.

End (4469).

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