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Monday 25 July 2022

What Values are Others Destroying in Us? - (4472)

We have to be the guardians of our inner temple if we really want to form something within ourselves.

One of the functions of our essence is to be a guardian of our inner temple.

This means to protect the values that we already have. This is done by not allowing impressions and activities that others try to involve us in to degrade the values.

The impressions if left unchecked do their work in time and one day by surprise we are almost the same as the impressions.

Just deciding to partake in activities that are against our values lowers the values in us... 

Constant exposure to the egos of others also rubs off on us - producing an influence of imitation in the same way of thinking, feeling and acting...

The essence is a servant our Inner temple. It serves as guardian and also order maker and cleaner of our psychological house and therefore Inner Temple.

End (4472).

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