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Tuesday 2 August 2022

Respect Conscious Choice Notes - (4470)

The main puzzle to do with respect is when to use it and when not to.

People tend to cultivate respect by respecting mechanically. If we respect mechanically we will get things right a good percentage of the time, but the times when we do get it wrong they will be very costly.

The general rule of thumb to know when to respect and when not to. Is when respecting or not respecting aligns with a higher value or higher result.

For example we out of respect never shout at anyone, but say if they are going to run into a brick wall we would shout stop! Them not hurting themselves by running into the brick wall is the higher value!

One good point about respect is that when we respect someone we reserve space within us to listen to them when we are in trouble and need their help or any help - the most.

Often that last reserve of respect in our psyche is all that we have between us and a steep downward spiral to disaster.

Of course when that reserve of respect is lost or overridden, we are not going to change course or pick ourselves up at this point. Only later will we do that after some or much suffering.

End (4470).

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