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Thursday 4 August 2022

Stop the Talking - (4492)

To stop talking about an issue and go to practice, whether it be quietening the mind, chanting a mantra, praying, self-remembering etc., is to enter another world so different to arguing.

Upon entering that other world - which is really a vastly different state of consciousness, answers, inspiration and clarity comes to us...

We can spend hours talking and repeating the same points over and over and nothing new, decisive and clear appears...

It happens that after some minutes of practice the new and clear appears. A vast difference... 

We often talk, argue and fight in the hope that something new, clear and correct will appear. Once in a blue moon something like that does appear but just too often the end result is the opposite of what we hope for.

The correct decision or solution can't really appear if we are using incorrect methods and the incorrect tools...

The correct method and tools is our consciousness, not our mind or our personality or egos.

It is better to be governed by what comes from the world of practice then what comes from arguing. I say let what comes from the practice guide and lead us.

The key to help ourselves more and better is to go to the practice now - not 'in a minute' but now!

Practice takes us to our inner world or allows us to contact our inner worlds and that is where the light that will lead and guide us is. 

End (4492).

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