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Monday 29 August 2022

'The Relationship To' is the Value and Answer Why - (4523)

Often people complain silently or out loud as to why they don't have experiences with their Divine Mother or the parts of their Being and they often feel envy at ,or disbelief of the experiences that others have with their interior Divinity.

The bridge, value or key to these experiences is the relationship. A person who experiences their interior Divinity more often, is due to them having cultivated a good relationship with their inner Divinity.

Negative self-compassion and all sorts of negativity is not the way to establish a good relationship to our inner Divinity.

A good relationship through prayer, work on ourselves, devotion, meditation, veneration and sending love from the heart....

The good relationship which is a tremendous value in itself becomes the bridge to receive from the interior Divinity.

To have created a good relationship means to have given A LOT! Once again we find ourselves wanting a lot but have given little.

Even in human life, there are so many fruits of a good relationship. How many favours can we ask our neighbour because of having cultivated a good relationship with them.

I believe the interior Divinity is not about sentimental love. The interior Divinity may not come to us because we have not in justice given much and so as they wish to bring us up correctly and consciously, they want us to be just. It is not conscious of them to make us spoilt and unjust. So they come closer to us as we consciously give to them.

End (4523).

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