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Thursday 18 August 2022

Working with the Conditioning from the Past - (4510)

The past is a factor that conditions our consciousness.

The conditioning of the past provides a base for many egos. Such as self-love, resentment, self-pity, fear etc.

This post presents a few points to do with releasing ourselves from this powerful conditioning factor.

The most important thing to know for any conditioning factor is to know how to get out of it and how to avoid strengthening it and creating more of it

When we make a mistake straight away tell ourselves that that moment is gone and work immediately to fix things physically and work psychologically so that it won't repeat. Don't argue about it or issue reprimands and reproaches.

We have to learn how to forget the past. A wise forgetting. Forget the hurt and pain but not forget the lessons for our consciousness. 

We can't erase our memory but we need to select wisely what we remember. Don't remember the sadness, remember the remedy that the sadness created.

The more we cultivate the work memory the weaker we make the past conditioning.

Be alert to not allow yourself to be defined by your past. That is not be defined by your failures and your victories. Don't define others by their past either. 

Our past failures condition us to say we can't succeed. Our past victories condition us to be complacent and not improve or either be over-confident and under-estimate the task at hand.

Escaping the past means total integration with the present moment and hope for the future being different and better to the past. 

Overcome past conditioning by being different in the present and hoping for the better future.

We strengthen the past conditioning by talking egoically or subjectively about the past.

Applying the key of solving things practically is a good help to not create more past conditioning.

The conditioning of the past is a lot about failures. It is a lot about duality. Working on neutralizing duality also weakens the conditioning of the past.

End (4510).

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