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Monday 26 September 2022

Openess to Three Realities - a Form of Self-Remembering - (4542)

To make our mind quiet and then extend our attention over our three realities creating an open space of perception is useful.

A relaxed openness where we know that in our spiritual dimension is our Inner Being, and knowing that our effort is to keep the space open for when something may appear.

It is very much being open to a person, to whatever a person may need or how we can help. It is this same attitude and readiness directed inwardly to our Real Inner Being.

That's our job - to remain open to our interior. Open to the above in us in hopeful waiting and yearning, and alert to the below within us with just as much or even more intensity. Because things also come up from down there too and those things have to be filtered out and separated from.

End (4542).

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