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Thursday 20 October 2022

Balancing the Centres and Balance in the Centres Notes - (4548)


Some notes for a lecture. Sorry Australian spelling for centre.


A very important topic. We need to know how to balance our centres. Very important benefits await us if we do. Some are given below.

To know how to balance our centres means to know how to live happily.

To balance our centres means to know how to give everything its correct or just proportion.

To balance the centres means to not over or under use each centre.

To balance the centres means to use our energies effectively and efficiently.

To balance the centres means to give the right answer to the events of life.

To balance the centers means to keep each centre in its own natural orbit.

To balance the centres means to lengthen our physical life (alters the dying in thirds process).

To balance the centres is a conscious choice and action and keeps our consciousness active.

To balance the centres means to also speak more correctly.

To balance the centres means to displace the ego at any given occasion.

We also need to know how to balance the different parts within each centre. More on that later.

To balance the centres we need to use all three brains in the correct proportion. To think to give a gift is not the same to actually give and this is an unbalanced use of the human machine.

To manifest something or for something to be real the balanced use of the human machine must be given.

A relationship is balanced when all three brains are used in their correct sphere and proportion.

A balanced use does not harm the human machine. An unbalanced use does harm the human machine. Loosing the sexual energy unbalances the human machine.

When unbalanced the human machine begins to take energy from other centres. This energetically unbalances the human machine causing the centres to function with energies that are not appropriate to them.

Thinking feeling and action is the flow of balance in the human machine.

We need a conscious centre to balance the human machine. This conscious centre is fabricated by man number 4. Man numbers 1 to 3 are unbalanced men.

To balance the centres we need to cultivate equally all the centres. We usually only cultivate only one centre and use that for every occasion of life. Thus making our life and relationships very unbalanced and inadequate.

What is unbalanced usually falls into exaggeration, inadequacy and failure. These are the most common results of a lack of balance.

To balance the centres perform a cycle. Intellect, emotion and motor and repeat.

The centre which knows most about balance is the instinctive centre. Naturally - because it contains the wisdom of nature regarding balance. The wisdom of nature is essentially about balance and maintaining balance.

A lack of balance in the centres stunts our development. This is why we actively seek balance.

The unbalanced nature of our human machine casues us to have an unbalanced perception of the world. This is because we perceive the world through our predominate centres not through all of them.

We have to know what out of balance looks like and what balance looks like. When we are out of balance there is disharmony outside and inside of us. Balance is a state of peace or harmony amongst the centres. When one centre is in conflict with another such as emotion against intellect, balance is missing. 

When all centres agree there is balance. Unity is also balance. Stability is balance. The swinging pendulum is not balance.

Sometimes to find balance we need to get out of balance. Then of course snap into balance with the learning that balance is health, peace, productivity and conscious development.

Each centre has a thinking, feeling and acting part to it. Here applies the part of balance inside each centre.

To reach balance inside a centre there has to be harmony, the right order and the right balance between the thinking, feeling and acting part of the centre. Many times when we are thinking about something we unbalance the intellectual centre by getting into a state of conflicting thoughts where the thought doing clashes with the thoughts of wondering, speculating, 'just thinking' for example.

The best way to reach balance inside the intellectual centre is to adhere to reality.

The heart is the balancing and guiding point between intellect and sex. If one practices Alchemy with the heart naturally intellect and sex will come into order as the heart guides them and one's attention is not overly placed on either intellect or sex and no fall will occur. 

All falls out of balance, which is really the same as a spiritual fall, occur when we are distant from the heart and are disproportionately in our intellect or sexual centre.

We take stress with the centre we use most. For example if we use the intellectual centre all the time we will take difficult times with worry and over thinking.

Transmutation balances the centres, especially the sexual centre. With transmutation we return energy to our centres in a replenishing cycle. All cycles are balance. In normal life we just consume energy without much replenishment. We ignore the instinctive centre too often and it always sends messages to us about where the line of balance and imbalance is.

To be continued...

End (4548).

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