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Tuesday 11 October 2022

But What Love is the Answer to Lust - (4537)

We have often heard that love is the antidote to lust. Indeed it is. 

Other values such as trust and faith, help immensely also. Because we need to trust in supra-sexuality to embrace it. We need to embrace it for it to really work its magic inside of ourselves for our Inner Being.

We know that lust is sexuality devoid of the spirit and love, and that a sexuality (Alchemy) practiced with love and the spirit dissolves lust - conquers all.

The question I have always asked myself is a particular one, and it is how does that love that dissolves lust in combination with sexuality really work or look like inside a person.

Here's something.

A love that brings all the brains into one. A love that makes all the brains work for it and in it. A love that does not leave one centre out, namely the sexual centre.

A love that has won the positive side of the sexual centre. 

A love that brings all the centres into it. As that love is noble it relaxes the centres, because what is noble and upright brings peace to our interior and into each centre.

A love that leaves out the sexual centre is not a love. Because the sexual centre will in some time begin to run rogue and turn against the other centres creating a battle within the whole, one centre against another. 

When there is an internal battle negative forces and negative interior elements ("I's") enter into play. 

A love that transmutes because it loves the whole and wants what is best of the whole to vibrate and shine intensely as the whole.

A love that only sees the positive for each centre and the whole that each centre is a part of and makes up.

End (4537).

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