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Wednesday 19 October 2022

Erasing Self-Importance Notes - (5249)


This post is a collection of notes on the topic of erasing self-importance.


It is the sense of importance concerning ourselves that we define as self-importance. Emphasis on that - 'our personal sense of importance'.

It is not the sense that others give us it is our own self-made sense.

Everyone until they work on it carries around with them a sense that their person is important.

Our sense of personal importance is something that we ourselves over time have fabricated. So dissolving self-importance is dissolving the false structure of importance that we have made for ourselves.

This is important to understand - we are dissolving our own false fabrication. Plus that fabrication is made up of several concepts and beliefs that we have over time strengthened. These concepts are also mistaken, which we come to understand as we find then and analyze them.

Importance is a relative term. Important to what is the always the question. 

We are not important by ourselves as a stand alone entity. But in relation to others, that is, how we can affect others we are important. We are only really important in relation to something or someone. However we believe that we as a standalone entity are important but that in reality is not so.

We are important yes by virtue of how we affect others. We are important in relation to the whole chain and network of human beings of which we are a part of. But the sense of us being important because of who we are or what we know or just because we think we are important - that is false and that is what hinders our awakening and that is what we aim to dissolve.

We are important to the Absolute because we are connected to a great number of others and so with our consciousness awakening we can awaken many others and that is very important to the absolute and the collective.

Master Samael says that not one of us is important alone. If we are to look at the Earth and see how the Earth is not even a grain of sand in the universe then us - one out of 6.5 billion on that grain of sand, we are even less important.

When we contemplate how we are not important we feel that typical very uncomfortable fear of disappearing into nothing. That painful panic like feeling mixed with terror.

However, we can feel that terror yet we are still here and we still 'are'. After a while we get use to that panic and we know that it is not about anything real. It is something false in us feeling that. We do not disappear as we feel we are when we experience that feeling.

It is considered something to be wary of. Carlos Casteneda said: "Self-Importance kills!".

It is important to the shamans to dissolve, as it distorts their perception of realty and it blocks their connection to the universe.

To us too in Gnosis, dissolving self-importance is important because it allows us to be more awakened and it frees up space for our Inner Being in us.

We are not really important in the grand scheme. Even our realization is not important, one less one more what does it matter really to the infinite Absolute.

To dissolve self-importance is not a work that the common human being can do. Because the meaning of a human being's existence is very closely tied to their sense of importance.

When the ego sees that it is not important to anyone, depression results as well as a loss of meaning in life. Which is not a very productive thing for the person and the those in their life.

We usually 'feel' important or demand that we are important to our family and friends. We think and feel that by virtue of being family or just being who we are, we should be important to them. Is this true? Reality shows us that it is not always true... We often feel a lot of hurt because of this erroneous belief.

To work on self-importance is to empty ourselves for our Being and it is to touch in the slightest way the void...the void of emptiness which is really the void that illuminates and the void that is full of Beingness...

End (5249).

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