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Wednesday 12 October 2022

Love, Feelings and Attraction - (4551)

Good to know the difference between each of these three aspects.

Love is the superior of all three. Superior to feelings and attraction. It is really a state of consciousness... 

Attraction depends on the physical. On physical vibrations, on the wavelengths of these vibrations, on the level of fluids in the physical body. In other words it is very physical and it is a very common phenomena. Everyone feels attraction quite often and often it is mistaken for love... and sometimes when attraction goes, the 'love' that was felt to be real goes too.

Feelings are above attraction, because they are seated in a dimension higher than the physical. They are inspired by the ethical, the moral, and have many elements of a noble and spiritual nature. However, as we all know feelings come and go. One day they are there and the next gone. Feelings are also very dependent on circumstances.

Love as a state of consciousness is not dependent on people, circumstances, one's own body and one's emotional state etc. It is related to will power, where will power and consciousness help a person to purify themselves of their negative thoughts and feelings and thus cause them to rise above emotions and circumstances and be able to relate in a benevolent way to others and the Divinity we have inside of ourselves.

End (4551).

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