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Sunday 6 November 2022

Gnostic Court of Law - (4574)

It is true that life, the work and the path have their different laws. 

It is also true that life, the work and the path all share some laws. For example, the law of honest hard work.

To better understand the difference in laws, imagine you are to appear in a human court of law and then in a Gnostic court of law.

In a human court of law you will be judged by the human laws of the country. In a Gnostic court of law you will be NOT judged by the human laws of the country but by the laws of the work.

To have gotten angry and remained in seething 'tight lipped' silence and 'folded arm' stillness for half an hour would be: 'case dismissed' in a human court of law, as no human laws were broken. In a Gnostic court of law the principles of non-identification, self-remembering, changing centres, awakening, separation, conserving energy, lifting out of the abyss, seeing the bigger picture, seeking out the better in relativity and time wasting were ignored and done the opposite of.

A human court of law speaks mostly about laws while a Gnostic court of Law speaks mostly about principles. Principles are threads taken from the very nature of the Spirit (Absolute) and laws are the human interpretation of those principles in time and space. Which often is mostly correct with some margin or grey areas.

Interestingly, we break laws either deliberately or unknowingly. With principles, we don't break them as such, we either do the opposite of them, either out of conscious or unconscious ignorance. Meaning we either deliberately or innocently ignore the principles, and therefore end in doing the opposite of them.

Just as we are still punished by the human law even if we didn't know that there was a law that we broke, we are all tried in the Divine Law or the essence court of Law, even if we don;t know anything about the essence and the work. Because we are all essences and we all live in the same cosmos.

The Divine Law coincides more with the Gnostic Court of Law as it is the essence that is judged by how  closely it followed the universal principles of the Absolute, which are also in the essence's nature.

End (4574).

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