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Friday 4 November 2022

Working with the Centres of the Human Machine Notes - (4572)

Basic Points

Each centre has two polarities. A positive and negative pole.

Inside each centre is the other centres.

The balance and the right relationship to the events of life comes all through the centres of our human machine, 

The ego uses the wrong centres and the wrong polarity of the centres and this makes us to realte wrongly to the events of life.

Using the centres in the right way allows us to isolate the ego.

The consciusness in us is the one which can balance the centres.

When we align the centres in any given activity we isolate the ego from our human machine.

We are present when we align the centres.

We pray truly when we align the centres.

When we align the centres we eliminate contradictons. Meaning the egos do not play with us anymore.

When we balance the centres we complete everything in balance that we do.

We need to forge the right relationship to the events and activites in the various areas of life through the right and balanced use of the centres.

We have to know how to change centres at any given moment.

We can solve any clash by matching the centres to understand each other better.

We need to know which centre is active in us any given moment.

When we change centres we displace the ego.

We can have a very happy life by just knowing how to work the centres of our human machine wisely.

Each ego uses one centre much more than the other and this is the problem. We need to change that to better to dissolve it.

To dissolve any ego we need to consciously use the centres in the opposite way to the ego.

We change centres by using the part of intellectual centre that we need to change to. For example in any given moment that we need to change to the emotional centre we should start thinking emotionally and this will resonate and magnetise into activity our emotional centre. 


End (4572).

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