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Monday 26 December 2022

Centre of Gravity Notes - (4607)


The magic key to success is the centre of gravity. Wherever the centre of gravity is, success will come.

In any area of life, human or spiritual where there is someone who has attained success or has reached the pinnacle of their chosen field they have their centre of gravity in that field. 

This post is about the importance of the centre of gravity and about how to transfer our centre of gravity to the work.

Centre of Gravity

Everyone has a centre of gravity. Some are very well defined and so are easy to see while others are not as well defined and therefore more difficult to see.

We don't often know that we have a centre of gravity and we don't know where our centre of gravity lies.

In general in life people have their centre of gravity in their personality and often people do not know it.

We don't need as such to create a new centre of gravity we actually need to transfer it. Because we all have a centre of gravity.

We can also create a new centre of gravity.

People in life have their centre of gravity in their personality. In the Gnostic studies we transfer this center of gravity to the work, then later to the consciousness.

We need to know where our centre of gravity lies before we can transfer it.

If a person can't find their centre of gravity it is because it is of course in the personality, and they have not created a specific centre of gravity yet and because each of the centres of a person's human machine has their own  particular centre of gravity, which do not align with the others into one point. 

A centre of gravity is where all the centres of our human machine align to work for one point.

We transfer our centre of gravity knowingly or unknowingly.

Because the work is one of the consciousness we largely transfer our centre of gravity to the work knowingly. Which can be painful because it implies sacrifice. But done with love it is not so painful or difficult.

When there is the motivating factor of love we happily and knowingly transfer our centre of gravity to something. Knowingly in the way that we decide to give our life to something and with trust in the flow of life we arrange the details.  

The centre of gravity allows ourselves to balance our life. Because it becomes the chosen balance point of our life.

Knowing Where Our Centre of Gravity Is

Where is our centre of gravity? There are concrete methods to find out.

The principle of the centre of gravity is that the centre of gravity is a point upon which our values are focussed. Our values are time, energy, attention, care, interest, yearning, hope, love, faith and our life. All these values mentioned can be summarised in attention of the centres of the human machine.

Where our centre of gravity is - our thoughts, feelings and actions will gravitate to or revolve around. Our yearnings and hopes, our aspirations and reflections will all flow towards. 

Two Types of C.o.G

We have both inner and outer centres of gravities. We need to know both our inner and outer centres of gravities. 

We have general and particular centres of gravities. Where the particular centres of gravities are inside the general ones. For example, a person's home could be the centre of gravity of their life, and inside their home the kitchen could be their centre of gravity. 

Very often the outer centre of gravity is a result of the inner centre of gravity.

C.o.G and the Centres of the Human Machine

People can have their centre of gravity in which all the centres of their human machine are aligned. Then there are others who have the situation where each centre of the human machine has a different centre of gravity. Often the centre of gravity of each centre contradicts the others.  

The point of success is to align the centres of the human machine into the centre of gravity.

In common life a person can have their outer centre of gravity in their physical work, in an activity, in a place, in a family member, in a hobby, in a pet, in a room of the house, in the TV, in the internet, the phone etc. etc. 

Inwardly a common person in life can have their centre of gravity in the values of their personality, in an ego and the mind or in one of the mind's functions such as fantasy.

Internally we can have our centre of gravity: in a particular centre of the human machine, in a given "I", in a given physical sense, in the personality, in the consciousness, in a given attitude etc.  

We can have our centre of gravity in an activity. We can have our centre of gravity in life or in the work. 


Centre of gravity is focus. It focusses our values and then that concentration of our values magically begins to produce results. 

Centre of gravity activates the Law of Reciprocity. It allows us to give and invest our values so that the law of Reciprocity can return these same values us but at a higher octave which allows us to progress.

The method to find where our centre of gravity is, is to observe just one day of our life. Count how many times we invoke the work and how many times we turn to life. The greater the number is where unmistakenly where our centre of gravity is.

The outer centre of gravity can only be transferred with the support of having transferred the inner centre of gravity.

To transfer we need to know where we are taking our attention from and where we are transferring it to.

We need to transfer it from the personality, from the mind and from the ego to the consciousness and the work.

Transferring the centre of gravity is a mutually nourishing process. Where the outer and inner transferences nourish each other. 

Becoming a Gnostic instructor or missionary is an invitation to transfer one's centre of gravity to the work.

Examine the centre of gravity in the work through the centres:

Intellectual Centre: Call the work to the think psychologically, esoterically. Chose Gnostic articles over YouTube. Organise our life to be able to do the work.

Emotional Centre: We believe, we accept the work. We like and love the work. We trust the work.

Motor Centre: We do the work. We chose gnostic activities. We chose solar activities over lunar activities.

Instinctive Centre: We chose to relax our centres often and pacify the personality.

Sexual Centre: We transmute our sexual energies. We care for our sexual energy by being hermetic with ur the energies of the centres.

We need to work centre by centre making the centre of gravity of each centre the work and the consciousness. Making the centres the epi-centre of the consciousness.  

To consciously make the work our centr of gravity it is soemthing that we have to decide to do and then set about doing it. Meaning that we from moment to moment chose our work. The gradual way is where over time by gradually more and more choosing the work we end up transferring our centre of gravity to the work.

The main aspect of the centre of gravity of something is to use it to make our decisions.

Consult and consult the work about what to do with our difficulties, problems, time, energy, money, holidays, egos, relationships, illnesses etc.

The best way to start is to begin by consulting the work for everything. In erality 'everything' in the begining is only what we remember but the more we do it the greater 'everything' becomes. 

We make anything the centre of gravity when it has some kind of importance to us that it is greater than us. In other words when there is a cause involved and more importantly when the reason is love. 

The centre of gravity gives us identity, therefore makes us real. If our centre of gravity is in the work we make ourselves real in the work and responsible in the work.

The centre of gravity is the point through which we express love.

We can transfer centres of gravity either because of necessity or becasue of love. When transferred over because of need - it can be a temporary transfer. Whereas transfers made by love are permanent. 

The permanent centre of gravity is made with love and with deep understanding and integration. In other words when it hits our being is when it becomes permanent. So it is really a big step in being. It greatly affects our Being. It is who we are. It gives us an identity. When we make the centre of gravity the work we are starting to become our Being. 

That is one of the meanings or achievements of life is to be able to create a centre of gravity in something. 

Basically no one awakens, gets the path, or does anything real in the work until one has a centre of gravity in the work.


End (4607).

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