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Wednesday 7 December 2022

Gossip Work Notes - (4589)

No doubt talking wastes a lot of energy.

The more we talk about something the less likely it is that we are going to do it. As we waste the energy needed to do it.

To do something well we need creative energy and gossiping wastes that. As gossiping itself is rather creative, but creative in a slant that is only partly true and which mostly leans towards the negative.

The more we talk about a lecture in our mind the worse the talk is, when actually delivered for real. Because we have used up our creative energy and it is more often mechanical in nature - like pressing play on the tape.

There is an "I" of gossip. This "I" enjoys gossiping and can spend hours doing it and it can even take up decent blocks of a person's day.

To gossip often is to enter into speculation and subjective opinion.

Being strict with the mind about what it actually knows we see the activity of gossiping being reduced to a sentence or two.

The action of gossiping weakens us. It strengthens the subjectivity and untruths in the mind and wastes our energy.

Gossiping is fertile ground for ill-will.

Gossiping often reveals what is not to be revealed and often sadly, many decisions and mental representations are wrongly made because of it.

Gossiping makes us superficial and withers magnanimity in ourselves as we what gossip about is often about the personal things of other people - that is trivial and all about life. There is little esoteric content in gossiping.

Gossiping is against hermeticism. We all know that hermeticism is needed for the work. As nothing can growth or crystalize in a non-hermetic environment.  

I think a person who understands about the value of hermeticism will refrain from gossiping. 

To be not losing the sexual energy yet gossiping all the time is a contradiction. As gossiping is definite way to fornicate with the word.


If talking about someone, only allow yourself to say what you would say if that person was standing right next to you. This would make you to chose your words carefully and to be fair in what you say, avoiding negativity and subjectivity. 

This is a really a good practice as one day unknown to us, that person will be standing behind us... It  also helps us greatly to educate our own word.


Would you say these words if the person was standing next to you? If not, then stop. If you would, would you use the same choice of words? Would you say those words using the same tone? If not then make the appropiate changes. 

End (4589).

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