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Saturday 10 December 2022

Kalkian Personality Notes - (4588)


Never really knew what the Kalkian personality was and never thought it was much of a issue. Knowing a bit more about it, it is indeed a real condition that any person can develop. I dare to say that there are many people in Australia that develop the Kalkian personality.

This post presents notes on this type of personality that Master Samael mentioned. It was Gurdjieff that actually mentioned it first.


This personality is the common human personality mixed with esoteric studies.

This type of personality, knows a lot about esoeric things. It is very knowledgeable. It is usually about knowing more and being less.

This personality type does not seriously take up the path. 

It sees the path in accordance with the conveniences, patterns and norms of the common human personality.

It then does the work mixing the esoteric with the values of the common human personality.

Due to this mixture it does not allow the person to embrace the path as it is and it often finds offence with the nature of the path.

When a person has psychic faculties this personality type becomes very strong. Because mystical pride becomes very strong and that reinforces the offence taken by the person to the ways of the path. Such offence is taken because the ways of the path can not be understood by the mind and the values of the common human personality.

The interesting thing is that the psychic faculties of such people do not see the path and then therefore do not see the seriousness of the work as presented by Master Samael.

End (4588).

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