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Tuesday 13 December 2022

Working the Personality Notes 1 - (4570)


Objective of these three posts (4570. 4595 and 4598) is to highlight why we don't transfer our values into the work and why we keep them in the personality.


If any points in this or other post hurt or offend it is the personality reacting.


Purpose of the personality is 'to do' life well in time and in space. In and for life it is great, but in the spiritual work it is a real interference. 

Gnosis teaches us that the personality needs to be pacified and later dissolved so that our essence can awaken and relate directly to the Inner Being without any interference.

Interferes with the Work

In general the personality interferes with the work by transferring the patterns of life and the personality onto the work. Where they do not match and how we add things and do things because of the personality that are not esoterically correct.

Examples of how the personality interferes with the work. Examples per centre. Life is what we do in our centres. 

Intellectual Centre

Reading magazine type articles and watching YouTube and Facebook type videos frequently.

Researching things to buy using up lots of time.

Always planning and organizing life movements, activities, trips, finances etc.

Intellectual exaggeration of concern for appearances - body image and social standing etc. Being intellectually stuck in the importance of those factors. Thinking excessively and obsessively over them.

No esoteric way of thinking - only physical blocks of matter way of thinking. 

Can't see or conceive ourselves as an essence. 

Doesn't allow us to think outside of time. 

Doesn't allow us to look up at the stars, we are too busy with earthly personality things.

Does not allow us to see our past and our future beyond this life. 

Superficial view of life always. Is adamant about there being nothing more profound or beyond our way of life.

The way the personality thinks makes us to make many esoteric mistakes. As the personality way of thinking is wrong for the path.  

Emotional Centre

Feeling humiliated as a person. 

Sentimental emotional values which do not foster change or seeing a person's reality.

Personality does not allow disinterested love. Loves only for a purpose. 

Feels disinterested and bored in the spirit. 

Blocks the superior emotions of and for the Being. 

It's identified with the things in matter. 

Motor Centre

Doing lots of things, so busy, agitated, it does not mediate nor pray. 

Can't sit still to practice. 

Feels so uneasy - things have to be done and tidy to be at peace.

Does not allow us to trust the Being. It goes out there and does all these things.

Instinctive Centre

Comforts, senses, taking everything with the senses, culture, food types, traditions of family, religious, certain things outside of pour religious background don't feel right. 

Can only accept certain foods and and our particular likes.

The works feels unnatural or wrong. Security. 

Blocks us from accepting the traditions and ways of Gnosis. 

Does not allow us to chose solar activities over lunar activities.

Sexual Centre

Can only activate the sexual centre and energy given a number of conditions. Chocolates, music, colours, clothes, body types, hair, deep voice, soft voice, tall, short all those types of things.

End (4570).

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