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Tuesday 10 January 2023

Way to Make Decisions is: Convenient, Useful and Necessary - (4618)

The decisions we make shape our lives. The good decisions reap rewards for years into the future and the bad decisions do the same - leaving difficulties to be dealt with into the future.

Our future rests on the decisions we make today.

That is what troubles us the most - making decisions. Anyone's life on the path is about continually making decisions. We won't be able to avoid it.

There is duality at every corner of a person's path and that implies making decisions. There is duality outside of ourselves and duality inside of ourselves that we have to contend with.

There is life and the work, there are higher and lower values, there is ourselves and others, there is even the choice of one noble sacrifice over another, one good over another and one evil over another...

If we have a criteria by which to decide by - it is much easier to know what the right decision is. Going through with the decision is a matter of will and is another thing all together. But first we have to know the right decision.

When we are defined (we really want) to look after and progress the work of enhancing our essence and our inner Being, then the criteria or reference points of convenient, useful and necessary for our work, path and Being are the keys.

If we ask ourselves is that choice going to be convenient for my work? Will it make it easier? Will it harm it? Will it benefit it? If we can answer those questions to ourselves then we know what the right decision is.

We need to train ourselves to get better at actually following thorugh with the right decision. This does take work and is a work in itself.

End (4618).

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